Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Kevin Tavin Lecture

1. What are the three (3) most interesting facts you learned from the lecture? and why are they interesting to you?
1. As a society, we have been conditioned to see things. I find this interesting because most of the time we don't realize it. More often than not, we already have our initial thoughts about images and the visuals we encounter, and don't stop to take the time to think about it any further. We make assumptions without questioning. 
2. I found the fact that the way the media is displaying images and news to the public, completely affects the way the public perceives the information. I find this interesting because a lot of times we just accept what we are told instead of finding out information for ourselves or forming our own opinions. 
3.Visual culture really affects many aspects of our lives. Whether it's through billboards or movies, or even just the newspapers, we encounter it quite often. The most interesting part about this is, again, we don't realize how much it affects us nor do we question the extent of the problems at hand.

2. Discuss the role of an art educator in regards to visual culture. Is it important? Why or why not?
We are involved in teaching students how to see art. It is our job to challenge them and encourage higher thinking. Our students are capable of quite a bit. We need to honor students. If we can just give them the language to be able to talk about images and this visual culture, they will be further educated and able to have a meaningful response to these things. 
3. What do you think can you take away from this lecture and apply in your future classroom as an art educator?
They need to actually understand what they are being taught instead of just memorizing the basics of the material. What is being learned and taught is our responsibility. We have the power to change the way things have been done in the past in order to better our students for the future.

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