What is the theme of your presentation and why did you select that?
I chose to create my presentation on Street Art. I feel as though it's a growing epidemic and is becoming fairly popular. I also thought that I would be an interesting topic to teach someone about and to teach a potential class about.
Did you encounter any challenges when creating this presentation? Please describe them and how you overcame them.
My only problem while creating this powerpoint was finding good information to put into my powerpoint. I think the most important part of any presentation is having enough accurate and interesting information to present to the audience. It is definitely a time consuming process to gather the information and present it in the best way possible.
What did you enjoy the most about this project and why? The least? and why?
The part I enjoyed most about this project was arranging all images and the words. I love the layout process of creating the powerpoint once I have all the information gathered.
Do you think you will use tools like PowerPoint in your art classroom? Why or why not?
I think I'll occasionally like to use Powerpoint in my classes. I don't want to focus on them, because I still believe that students are bored with things like that because they use them in every other class they go to. When I need to present images to students though, I think they will come in handy and be a good way to organize what I want to show them.