Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Street Art Powerpoint

What is the theme of your presentation and why did you select that?
I chose to create my presentation on Street Art. I feel as though it's a growing epidemic and is becoming fairly popular. I also thought that I would be an interesting topic to teach someone about and to teach a potential class about.
Did you encounter any challenges when creating this presentation? Please describe them and how you overcame them.
My only problem while creating this powerpoint was finding good information to put into my powerpoint. I think the most important part of any presentation is having enough accurate and interesting information to present to the audience. It is definitely a time consuming process to gather the information and present it in the best way possible.
What did you enjoy the most about this project and why? The least? and why?
The part I enjoyed most about this project was arranging all images and the words. I love the layout process of creating the powerpoint once I have all the information gathered. 
Do you think you will use tools like PowerPoint in your art classroom? Why or why not?
I think I'll occasionally like to use Powerpoint in my classes. I don't want to focus on them, because I still believe that students are bored with things like that because they use them in every other class they go to. When I need to present images to students though, I think they will come in handy and be a good way to organize what I want to show them.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

NEA Arts Article

1. What are the similarities between the artists interviewed in this article? What are the differences?

Each one of these artists has experienced success and failure. They have had things they are very proud of, things they would like to go back and change, and things that haven't gone the way they intended to. The difference between them is what they are working with. Some are writers and some are performers, while others are musicians and artists. They all experience the same type of feelings, just with different kinds of materials.

2. Is there anything discussed in this article that you can relate to?

I think the one thing I really related to in this article was when Perry Chen discussed what failure was to him. He considered failure to be when something is one way in his brain, but comes out completely different. It's not what you intended, even if it isn't that bad. I often feel this way. I have so many ideas swimming around in my head and I try to put them on paper sometimes, only for them to not come out the way I thought they would. 

3. Do you believe that taking risks and pushing boundaries is important to the creative process? Why or why not?

I definitely think you need to take risks and push the boundaries. In high school, I stuck to the same old thing with every painting I did. I painted houses, landscapes, etc. When I got to college I realized I needed to do more than that. I started playing around with the human body and explored my emotions. I wanted to put myself into my paintings. 

4. Do you experience fear of failure? When? How do you think it has impacted you positively or negatively?

I sometimes experience fear of failure. I think about it before I start each piece. I try not to dwell on it though. I'm always pretty excited to start my idea so I don't think about it too much. I also get nervous about failing when I enter my art into shows or put them up for a critique. I want my art to move other people and grasp their attention. As an artist, I think a lot of us feel as though we need the acceptance of other people in order to be successful. I think it all just keeps pushing me further though. I have a desire to be the best that I can be and I'm not going to stop that now. 

5. How do you think you can support your students as their teacher when they encounter the "fear of failure"?

I think the best thing to do in order to support students who are afraid of failure is to encourage them. They better they feel, the more confident they will be with their work. They should understand that not everything will come out the way they intended and that it takes a lot of practice to get to where they want to be. I want to encourage my students to keep pushing and practicing and to push themselves farther than what they think they are capable of. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

My Newsletter

1. Do you think creating a classroom newsletter is an effective way to communicate with your audience? Why or Why Not?
I do see classroom newsletters as an effective way of communication. Maybe not for everyone, but I know personally that when I see something like that, I automatically feel the need to read it. I especially want to read something when there are interesting images on it. I feel like it would be an interesting way to give students a little extra information on certain topics. 
2. What did you think about the process of creating a newsletter using Adobe Creative Suite Tools?
I found this process to be a little bit difficult, just because I'm still getting used to the tools. The more I worked on it, the more comfortable I got. I still feel like I have a lot to learn about the program and that I could enhance my work if only I knew a few other things I could incorporate. 
3. How did this project strengthen your digtial /new media skills?
I think this project gave me more confidence to create things like this for my students. It's something different I could use to mix things up. Using this program forces you to understand the computer and make it your friend instead of fighting with it. I'm not usually very good with technology, but this is teaching me to have patience with it.  


What's the most important fact from each video that helped me in using InDesign?

Building a Newspaper:


The most important thing I learned through this video was how to add text, but at the same time keep adding it in order to view it all in different text boxes. Sometimes the text boxes will run out of space, but you still need to see the rest of your text. This video helped with that.

Wrapping text around objects:


This video showed the best way to allow text to wrap about the through the graphics instead of keeping the text covered up. By going to the Window menu, then Text Wrap, it'll give you options to change your text and adjust it to the best positioning.

Placing Graphics:


This video helped me figure out how to place images into the document. Each image needs a frame before it can be placed within the document. The dimensions of the image can be changed, along with the frame.

Videos I chose:

How To Draw Shapes:


This video was helpful in the sense that it showed how to make different shapes appear on your document. Using the rectangle tool, you can select and create different shapes on your document. Using smart guides, you can make sure the shapes are the same size if you want. I found this video gave me new ideas to add into my next project.

Colorizing Images:


I found this video pretty cool because it showed you how to take an outside image and add it to your document in a color that it is not originally. Making sure the image is black and white first, place it in your document where needed. Then, by selecting the image itself, the photo can be altered to a different color using the color swatches. I think this would be a cool element to be able to incorporate in order to make images more exciting.

How to Add Pages to your Document:


This video discussed a basic tool for using InDesign and that was adding pages. I was always confused on where and how to do this. There are so many options once you get into a program. When originally creating a document, you can select the number of pages that are in your document. Other than that, you can click the icon on the bottom right with a paper and a folded corner on it. Clicking that icon will add another page. If you click Command while clicking on that icon, there will be options for adding pages to the document.