Wednesday, November 2, 2011

John Singer Sargent

I really look up to John Singer Sargent. Knowing how badly I want to have the skill to do portraits, his paintings give me so much inspiration. I did some research on him last year for an art project and I still can't get over his abilities. I can't believe his eye for detail and how realistic he paints. When I paint, the little details mean the most to me. I think this is a reason I love his work so much. Every detail matters to him, whether its the way the light hits the face in a certain place or the creases in the eyelids, it's all there. You can see all the details in the folds of the ears and the creases of the fingers. His proportions are also perfect and precise. I could stare at his paintings all day and discover new things about them that I didn't know. I can only hope that one day I will be able to paint like that. I guess practice makes perfect!
This famous painting by Sargant, Madame X, was very controversial. Orgininally it was painted so that one strap of the dress was hanging off the shoulder. It was considered a scandal because of the suggestive pose and strap, so he changed it so that strap was back on top of the shoulder. Overall though, this is one of my favorite paintings of his. The folds of the dress and the detail in the face and the ears just make the painting come to life and tell a story.

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